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What is ether in medical practice?

Ether was an early form of anaesthetic in medical practice. L'éther était une ancienne forme d'anesthésiant dans la pratique médicale. Ether is a colorless liquid that is quite volatile. L'éther est un liquide incolore qui est très volatile. The smoke from the factories dissipated as it floated up into the ether.

What is an ether Walker?

a colourless/colorless liquid used to dissolve fats etc, and, medically, as an anaesthetic/anesthetic. (Traduction de ether depuis le Dictionnaire PASSWORD anglais-français © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) A friend of mine once coined the term "ether-walkers" for this class of person. That's where the ethers and the fluids and the essences cooperate.

How was ether eliminated?

The ether was eliminated by passing a current of nitrogen through the suspension. Protoconsciousness seems to be comparable to "ether," the invisible form of matter that was once believed to fill all physical space. As an example consider the case of ether, with a density of 0.736 g/cc, on water.

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